We are sorry for the lack of update.
A little wrap up here though, as you might have read through messages in our facebook regarding the proposed event, Majlis Ramah Mesra Hari Raya Bersama BSC 2010, the council have concluded to cancel the event due to certain unavoidable circumstances. On behalf of the council, I really apologise for the disappointment and the inconvenience. We hope that you had a very pleasant Hari Raya this year! =D
As you might have heard, there is a newly appointed Attache of Education and Culture at the High Commission of Negara Brunei Darussalam. I hereby forward the message from Cikgu Haji Ali Husaini, our previous Attache, to all members:
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera
Dengan hormatnya sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa perkhidmatan saya sebagai Ataci Pelajaran dan Kebudayaan di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di Kuala Lumpur akan berakhir pada Hari Khamis, 30 September 2010.
Ataci Pelajaran dan Kebudayaan yang baru aialah:
DK HAJAH JABAIDAH BTE PG HJ SULAIMANNo. H.p: 016-3624323E-mel: jabaidah.sulaiman@moe.edu.bn
Sehubungan dengan itu, dipohonkan Abiskita untuk menghubungi beliau bagi sebarang masalah/urusan mengenai dengan hal-ehwal pengajian dan sebagainya.
Saya mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih diatas kerjasama, sokongan serta kesabaran Abiskita sepanjang perkhidmatan saya di Suruhanjaya Tinggi. Saya berdoa semoga Abiskita akan memperoleh semua yang dihajati dan berjaya dengan cemerlang dalam pengajian serta dimasa-masa yang akan datang. Amin.
Sekian & wassalam
On behalf of the council, I would like to thank Cikgu Haji Ali Husaini. No words can express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the overwhelming support and kindness Cikgu Ali has shown to us. We wish you all the best in everything, Amin~
On the other hand, we welcome our new Attache, Cikgu Dk. Hajah Jabaidah Binti Pg Haji Sulaiman since your service has officially taken effect on 1st October 2010. It is our great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to Cikgu Dayangku. We hope that you will guide us not only on the education matters but also the welfare of the students.
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