Monday, 26 July 2010

Nominations for BSC 2010/2011


Salam Nisfu Syaaban to all members. May Allah bless all of us in this very precious night.

We know that some of you just started your semester, some might still be sitting for their examinations and working on assignments, while others are having their vacations. In spite of that, we hope all are in good condition, amin, and we wish you best of luck.

Alright. With regards to the previous announcement on The First General Meeting BSC 2010/2011 to be held in less than two weeks time, the organising committees have concluded the nomination and election system for the appointment of the councilors.

Extracted from the Proposal for Establishment of BSC (PDF downloads are available on the sidebar), the following are the organisational chart and job scopes for all posts in the student council. We are sure that these are essential for the nomination and election stage, up to when appointed councilors are in charge of this council.

Organisational Chart

(click the image to enlarge)

Positions and Job Scopes of Councilors

  • The post is specially for His Excellency, Brunei Darussalam High Commissioner representing Brunei in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the highest authority in the organisation.
  • Functioned to observe and monitor the student council and the members of the organisation.

  • The post is specially for Education and Culture Attaché, Brunei Darussalam High Commission in Malaysia.
  • Functioned to take care and advice the student council and the members of the organisation in any of the events organised.

  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the highest authority among students in the organisation.
  • Functioned to chair gatherings and meetings.

Vice President
  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the second highest authority among students in the organisation.
  • Functioned to assist the President and chair gatherings and meetings in the absence of President.

  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the third highest authority among students in the organisation.
  • Functioned to gather lists and personal details of Brunei students.
  • Functioned to prepare reports and meeting minutes organised by the student council.

Financial Officer
  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the fourth highest authority among students in the organisation.
  • Functioned to gather financial supports (if necessary) and to keep financial records.
  • Functioned to prepare reports and meeting minutes organised by the student council.
  • Functioned to advice financial matters for events, programmes and activities organised.

Information Officer
  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Functioned to inform news and progresses from time to time to all members of the organisation.
  • Functioned to create and maintain the website of the organisation.

Religious Officer
  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the religious adviser in any events, programmes and activities.
  • Functioned to ensure all events, programmes and activities are organised according to hukum syara’.

Welfare Officer
  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Positioned to be the main role in taking care of the welfare of all members of the organisation.
  • Functioned to observe the need and welfare of all members in all events, programmes and activities organised by the council.

Activity Officer
  • The post is for any student from any institution in Malaysia.
  • Functioned to plan and organise any events, programmes and activities for the members of the organisation.
  • Functioned to prepare all requirements and equipments for all events, programmes and activities organised.

Guidelines for Nominations

As we are heading for the actual event, we decided to start the stage of nominations, from now on. Thus, we want everybody to co-operate with one another, so we do not spend so much time on nominations on the day of election. Here are important guidelines for the nominations to be operated by students within each institution:

  1. All Brunei students from all institutions are eligible to nominate and to volunteer for candidature of the election.
  2. All students from each institution shall then list out few names and discuss among the students of the same institutions, who shall be the potential candidate to represent the institution (may be by votes).
  3. Each institution shall end up with only one candidate to be elected during the event.
  4. Students (not the candidate) shall provide one testimonial of the representing candidate (a paragraph or two long) from each institution, in order to secure the election.

Consequently, the candidate representing each institution will then be brought forward for the election of eight posts, apart from the Patron and Advisor, in the council mentioned above. Every institution is required to submit the following to the organising committees, before or on Sunday, 8th August 2010, precisely before the event begin.
  • Name of candidature
  • ID/Passport number
  • Name of Institution
  • Testimonial of candidature
In any case, we want all institutions in Malaysia to participate in the nomination in order to accomplish the objective of Brunei Student Council to unite all Brunei students. We also would want your co-operation in working together among students in the same institutions for this nomination stage to be executed in order to proceed.

Election system and procedures will be acquainted during the general meeting.

Please leave comments and suggestions on this subject. Any problems arise regarding the nominations particularly, do not hesitate to ask any of the organising committees. We are willing to help.

We look forward to see you all at Binjai!

Thank you. Wassalam.

Friday, 16 July 2010

The First General Meeting BSC 2010/2011

(click the image to enlarge)

Assalamu'alaikum. Good Friday, all.

Upon the foundation of Brunei Student Council in Malaysia, the first and foremost phase of activities within the plan of the council is to hold a general meeting with its main objective to line up and appoint student representatives or committees for all Brunei students in Malaysia.

The First General Meeting of Brunei Student Council Malaysia 2010/2011 is as follows:

Date: 8th August 2010, Sunday
Time: 2.00 pm
Venue: Binjai Residency, Jalan Binjai, 55000, Kuala Lumpur (5 minutes walking distance from Ampang Park LRT Station)
Dress Code: Smart casual and decent (updated as of 20th July 2010)

All Brunei students are required to attend the meeting so as to participate in the elections of eligible candidates for the first Brunei Student Council 2010/2011, so please take note in your organiser and make yourself available.

Subjects related to nominations, elections and appointments of the first batch councilors will be informed later and we will open up a discussion forum on our Facebook Group, if you have suggestion on the subjects. We would want to hear your thoughts so do not hesitate to vent them out.

Please contact 016-6541166 or through our email for any inquiries regarding this matter.

Thank you very much.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Majlis Do'a Kesyukuran for His Majesty's 64th Birthday

Assalamu'alaikum and good day to all members.

July has come to its middle. It's time for the celebration of His Majesty's Birthday.

As what has been informed earlier by the Attache Education & Culture, Cikgu Haji Ali, Brunei Student Council once again wants to remind all members that, the High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Malaysia is inviting Brunei students to Majlis Do'a Kesyukuran for His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam's 64th Birthday, as follows:

Date: 14th July 2010, Wednesday.
Time: 7.00pm.
Venue: Seri Brunei, Accomodation of His Excellency, Kuala Lumpur.

For those who have not confirmed their attendances, please contact Cikgu Haji Ali. Transport will be provided for students from institutions around Kuala Lumpur. Any inquiries regarding venue and transport, please also contact him.

Many thanks.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Subscribe to BSC Mailing Service.


We hope that all Brunei students in Malaysia are in good conditions. Previously, we assured you with the aim, objectives, missions and visions of the establishment of Brunei Student Council (BSC). Now, we want to make sure that everyone is well informed in every matter regarding this council and its organisation.

We hope that you have received an email from us regarding the establishment of BSC. For those who have not received an email from us, means that BSC has not kept your email address yet.

So, please make sure send an email to stating the following details for subscription to our information, news and announcements:

1. Name of Student
2. ID/Passport number
3. Name of Institutions

We have informed about this through Facebook Group message. However, we still want you to subscribe to our e-mail as our main information service. Thus, we are very pleased if you could send us details of other Brunei students, who you happen to know.

Your co-operation is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Missions dan Visions of Brunei Student Council


In completing the proposal of this organisation, we have included missions and visions of Brunei Student Council. We want to assure you, so we now share them for the guidelines of all members.


1. To fulfill the aim of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam’s Titah during ‘Hari Belia Kebangsaan’ in 2009,
“..... Belia Cemerlang ialah belia beriman, berilmu, bertanggungjawab dan cekal. Kita semua menyedari, untuk mewujudkan belia cemerlang adalah memerlukan penglibatan semua pihak, termasuk individu, keluarga dan masyarakat. Tambahan pula, kesan kederasan arus globalisasi masa kini, telah menimbulkan pelbagai cabaran serta hambatan dalam usaha mewujudkan belia cemerlang itu. Ini, termasuklah cabaran-cabaran dalam bidang pendidikan dan pekerjaan.”.

2. To take the challenge of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam’s Titah during His Majesty’s visit to United Kingdom and Northern Ireland in 2007,
    “...... Hanya pemikiran yang tinggi dan matang sahaja yang mampu membawa seseorang itu keambang kejayaan. Janganlah dianggap kejayaan itu ibarat udara yang kita hirup, di mana semua orang dapat menikmatinya dengan percuma, tetapi adalah kejayaan adalah memerlukan pencarian dengan usaha gigih serta titik peluh. Jadi berasaskan ini, Beta mahu, supaya penuntut-penuntut semuanya menjadi generasi pemikir. Janganlah turun ke bawah dalam berfikir tetapi naik dan meningkatlah selalu sehingga mencapai taraf pemikir yang baik. Negara Brunei Darussalam mesti dibangun oleh tenaga-tenaga pemikir untuk memperolehi nilai ‘Negara Baik’ dalam makna yang seluas-luasnya. Negara yang runtuh adalah Negara yang ketandusan daya berfikir, sekalipun ia kaya dan besar. Kerana apabila daya berfikir merosot, maka sudah pasti yang akan menggantikannya ialah hawa nafsu. Definisi ‘Negara Baik’ itu disebut oleh Allah sebagai “Baldatun Thayyibatun”, yakni Negara yang aman, sejahtera lagi makmur. Tanpa adanya unsur-unsur ini bermakna bukanlah itu ‘Negara Baik’ atau “Baldatun Thayyibatun” menurut perspektif al-Quran. Kemudian ‘Negara Baik itu pula dilengkapi dengan ungkapan berikutnya, “Warabbun Ghafuur”, yakni yang berdiri kukuh di bawah keredhaan dan keampunan Allah.”.


    1. To strengthen the relationship between Brunei students and the High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Malaysia.

    2. To bridge relationships among Brunei students from different institutions in Malaysia.

    Any inquiries, comments and suggestions are welcomed.

    Thank you.

    Friday, 2 July 2010

    Aim and Objectives of Brunei Student Council


    Regarding the announcement on the establishment of the student council in the previous entry, we are now pleased to share the content of the proposal for the guideline of all members of this organisation. Here are the aim and objectives of Brunei Student Council:


    To set up student representatives to lead the organisation for the benefit of Brunei students in Malaysia.

    • To provide welfare for Brunei students in Malaysia.
    • To create and strengthen long-lasting relationships among the students in Malaysia.
    • To plan and organise beneficial activities for Brunei students.
    • To expose the students with various activities outside campus.
    • To promote and project the image of Brunei Darussalam in Malaysia.

    In fulfilling the aim and achieving the objectives as stated above, we hope that all Brunei students in Malaysia will co-operate for the success of this council.

    Comments and suggestions are most welcomed.

    Thank you.

    Thursday, 1 July 2010

    Establishment of Brunei Student Council


    Welcome to the Brunei Student Council website. We hereby launch an official website for the council to publish and distribute information, news and announcement regarding the council and organisation.

    For the introduction, we would like to inform you that the High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Malaysia has approved our proposal on the establishment of the Brunei Student Council in Malaysia. This establishment aims to
    set up student representatives for the benefit of the welfare and harmony of Brunei students in Malaysia. Among the objectives of establishment of Brunei Student Council is to plan and organise events, programmes and activities outside campuses for all students of Brunei in Malaysia.

    Therefore, we are organising our first meeting to be attended by all Brunei students who are registered under any institutions in Malaysia for the elections of councilors of Brunei Student Council session 2010/2011, which will be held soon. The date and venue for the first meeting will be announced in a later time.

    We highly appreciate your co-operation in informing your colleagues regarding this matter.

    Any inquiries or suggestion please do not hesitate to email us at or through our Facebook®.

    Thank you for your co-operation.